Using the Java CAPS 6 Installation CLI

ProcedureTo Create the Properties File for a Command-Line Installation

  1. Copy the sample properties file following this procedure into a text file on the computer where you are installing Java CAPS.

    Tip –

    If you have an existing Java CAPS installation, you can find additional properties files at JavaCAPS_Home/install/docs. The file is also included in the /documentation directory under the installer on the installation media.

  2. Configure the following properties:

    Property or Section 



    The list of primary components to install. Include any of the following in the list, separated by commas with no spaces: 

    • Repository – The Java CAPS Repository and Repository-based components

    • Appserver – The GlassFish Enterprise Server and associated runtime components

    • NetBeans – The NetBeans IDE and associated design-time components

    • STCMS – The Sun Java JMS IQ Manager

    • UDDI – The UDDI server

    • EM – The Java CAPS Enterprise Manager.


    Whether to perform a complete or custom installation. Specify Complete to install all components; or specify Custom to specify which components to install. If you specify custom, be sure to change the property above to only list the components you want to install. In the sections below, comment out the configuration properties (using a hashmark) for those components you removed from the above list.


    The path to your JDK software.  


    The path where you want to install Java CAPS. 


    The name of the Repository. You can change the default repository of repository1 but do not use “repository” because assigning a name that is the same as the component name in lowercase can cause connection problems.


    The port number for the repository. There must be 10 consecutive port numbers that are not in use, beginning with this number. 


    An indicator of whether to install NetBeans NBMs. Enter 1 to install the Repository-based components in NetBeans; otherwise specify 0.

    Appserver Get User Input Properties

    In this section, enter the login credentials, domain name, and port numbers to use for the GlassFish server, or accept the default values. 

    STCMS Get User Input

    In this section, enter information for the Sun Java JMS IQ Manager. The possible values for the STCMS_OS_TYPE property are listed below. If you want to migrate the JMS IQ Manager from a previous version of Java CAPS, type the root directory of the previous installation in the STCMS_MIGRATION_FROM_DIR property.


    The name of the operating system on which you are installing the Sun Java JMS IQ Manager. Specify any of the following values: 

    • solx86 – Solaris 10 x86 (32/64-bit), Intel

    • solamd64 – Solaris 10 x86 (64-bit), AMD

    • solaris64 – Solaris 10 (64-bit), SPARC

    • aix32 – IBM AIX 5L 5.3 (32-bit)

    • aix64 – IBM AIX 5L 5.3 (64-bit)

    • linux7 – Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 3, 4, and 5 (32/64-bit), Intel

    • linuxamd64 – Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 3, 4, and 5 (64-bit), AMD

    • redhat5_64 – Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Advanced Server (Intel and AMD x86-64)

    • suse8 – SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 and 10 (32/64-bit), Intel

    • win32 – Windows (32-bit)

    • donotinstall – Do not install the STCMS component

    EM Get USer Input

    In this section, enter the name of the computer on which you are installing Java CAPS and enter the port number to access the Enterprise Manager. 

    Note –

    The default port number is 15000. This port assignment requires five consecutive available ports and the system selects four additional port numbers that sequentially follow the initial port number (15001–15004 for the default). Port checking performed at installation only detects ports in use at that time, so the installation will not detect ports used by other applications that are not currently running. Use caution if you change the default port value.

  3. To install only runtime components:

    • Change the install set from Complete to Custom (CHOSEN_INSTALL_SET=Custom).

    • Specify the runtime components that you want to install in the CHOSEN_INSTALL_FEATURE_LIST property. The runtime components are Appserver, Repository, and STCMS.

    • In the lower part of the file, comment out the configuration for the components you do not want to install.

  4. To install only design-time components:

    • Change the install set from Complete to Custom (CHOSEN_INSTALL_SET=Custom).

    • Specify NetBeans in the CHOSEN_INSTALL_FEATURE_LIST property.

    • In the lower part of the file, comment out the configuration for the components you do not want to install.

  5. When you are done configuring the properties, save and close the file.

  6. Continue to Installing Java CAPS Silently Using CLI.

Example 1 Sample Configuration Properties File for Silent Installations


#Choose JDK

#Choose Install Folder

#Repository Get User Input

#NetBeans Get User Input

#Appserver Get User Input
# Basic Ports
# Advanced Ports

#STCMS Get User Input

#EM Get User Input