Using the Java CAPS 6 Installation GUI

Overview of Installation

Before beginning the installation, read Planning for Java CAPS Installation, which contains information such as supported platforms, operating system limitations, parameter definitions, and the like. This information is necessary for you to complete a successful installation of Java CAPS.

Complete Graphical User Interface Installation

For a complete list of software installed, see Overview of the Installation Process in Planning for Java CAPS Installation .

Note –

Certain adapters require additional installation procedures. For details, see Installing Third-Party JAR Files.

The GUI installation is divided into four installation segments:

You do not have to install all of the software and components at the same time. You can install additional Java CAPS products and components at any time after completing the initial installation using the NetBeans IDE Update Center and Java CAPS Uploader and selecting the items from a list.

The process also installs the Sun Uninstallation software.

Note –

You must have the JDKTM (Java Development Kit) software installed and JAVA_HOME set prior to installing Java CAPS or the Installer will halt the installation. See Installing the JDK Software and Setting JAVA_HOME for details.