Using the Sun Data Mashup Engine

ProcedureTo Add the Data Mashup Application to the Composite Application

This step adds the Data Mashup project and its JAR files to the composite application.

  1. On the Projects window, expand the Composite Application Tree, right-click JBI Modules and select Add JBI Module.

  2. In the Select Project window, select the Data Mashup application in the list (demoDMProject for this exercise), and click Add Project JAR Files.

    This adds the Data Mashup application to the CASA Editor canvas as a JBI module and builds the service engine deployment JAR file.

    Tip –

    If you do not see the Data Mashup project in the left pane of the window, navigate to the directory that contains it.

  3. In the CASA Editor, right-click in the WSDL Ports area and select Add WSDL Port.

    The Select WSDL Port window appears, listing all the available WSDL ports.

  4. In the Select WSDL Port window, select http and soap and then click OK.

    An HTTP port named casaPort1 and a SOAP port named casaPort2 appear in the WSDL Ports area of the canvas.

    Note –

    Data Mashup only supports the http and the soap WSDL bindings. If you want to use the procedure to test the deployment of your composite application, when creating the WSDL port you must use the soap WSDL binding and not the http WSDL binding.

  5. Click Save All.

  6. In the Projects window, right-click the composite application and click Build.

    Check the output in the bottom panel to ensure that the composite application built successfully.

    Note –

    If the build fails, do the following:

    1. In the Projects window, expand the composite application project, and select the WSDL file under Process Files.

    2. In the CASA Editor, select the Source tab.

    3. Scroll down until you see

      <http:address location="http://localhost:${HttpDefaultPort}/
    4. Change casaPort1 to another port number, such as casaPort6.

    5. Build the composite application again.

  7. On the CASA Editor, drag the purple HTTP and SOAP consumer endpoints in the WSDL Ports pane to the green endpoint for the Data Mashup project.

  8. Click Save All.

    You are now ready to build and deploy the composite application.