Java CAPS Domain and Runtime Installation

ProcedureAdding the CAPS Runtime Environment to GlassFish 2.1

  1. Install the stand-alone GlassFish 2.1 (Sun Application Server 9.1.1).

  2. Add the Java CAPS Runtime Environment to GlassFish 2.1 as follows:

    1. Extract the file into the domain addons directory, for example domains\domain1\addons. This creates the caps folder in the addons directory.

      The file is available from Sun Support.

    2. Configure the file in the caps folder, so that the values match those of the domain created by GlassFish 2.1.

  3. Start the application server.

  4. From the command line, change directories to the application server's bin directory. For example, cd AppServer\bin.

  5. Execute the following command to install the CAPS specific libraries into domains\domain1\lib. Replace \ with / for UNIX systems.

    asant –f ..\domains\domain1\addons\caps\install.xml

    The domains\domain1\lib directory should now include the new JARs used by the CAPS projects.

  6. Turn off the Security Manager in the application server.

  7. Restart the domain.

  8. Deploy the CAPS specific WLM project into the Application Server.