Java CAPS Domain and Runtime Installation

ProcedureTo Create a New Java CAPS Domain

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Add the following path to your PATH environment variable: appserver/bin, where appserver is the path to your GlassFish home directory for Java CAPS.

    • Navigate to appserver/bin.

  2. Run the following command:

    asadmin create-domain --portbase PortBaseNumber --savemasterpassword=true --savelogin=true DomainName

    where PortBaseNumber is the port number with which port assignment starts and DomainName is the name you want to give the new domain.

    Note –

    Use the --savemasterpassword option to encrypt and save the master password so you do not need to enter it for asadmin commands. Use the --savelogin option to encrypt and save the admin password in UserHomeDirectory/.asadminpass. This enables the Access Manager to configure itself after the domain is first started.

    For more information about create-domain options, see create-domain(1).

  3. Enter the administrator login credentials when prompted.

  4. (Optional) If you need STCMS (Java CAPS JMS) support in the new domain, run the following command:

    asadmin create-stcms --domainname DomainName --stcmsport PortNumber STCMSName


    • DomainName is the name you assigned to the new domain above

    • PortNumber is the port number for STCMS (typically the base port number plus seven)

    • STCMSName is a unique name for the message service

  5. Run the following command to start the new domain:

    asadmin start-domain DomainName

  6. Continue to Installing a Java CAPS Runtime on a New Domain.