Java CAPS Domain and Runtime Installation

ProcedureTo Install JBI Components on a New Domain From NetBeans

Before You Begin

Complete the steps under Adding the New Domain to NetBeans.

  1. Launch NetBeans and open the Services window.

  2. Expand Servers, expand the new domain, and then expand JBI.

  3. To install the shared libraries, do the following:

    Note –

    Shared libraries must be installed first.

    1. Right–click Shared Libraries and then select install.

    2. Browse to the location of the shared libraries (JavaCAPSHome/appserver/addons/jbi-components), and then select encoderlib.jar.

    3. Click Next and then click Finish.

    4. Repeat the above steps to install the following files:

      • saxonlib.jar

      • wsdlextlib.jar

  4. To install the Service Engines, do the following:

    1. Right-click Service Engines, and then select Install.

    2. Browse to the location of the components (JavaCAPSHome/appserver/addons/jbi-components), and then select bpelserviceengine.jar.

      The Installation Configuration window appears.

    3. If needed, modify the configuration properties of the component.

    4. Click Install.

    5. Repeat the above steps to install the following files:

      • edmse.jar

      • etlserviceengine.jar

      • iepserviceengine.jar

      • xsltserviceengine.jar

  5. To install the Binding Components, do the following:

    1. Right-click Binding Components, and then select Install.

    2. Browse to the location of the components (JavaCAPSHome/appserver/addons/jbi-components), and then select databasebc.jar.

      The Installation Configuration window appears.

    3. If needed, modify the configuration properties of the component.

    4. Click Install.

    5. Repeat the above steps to install the following files:

      • filebc.jar

      • ftpbc.jar

      • jmsbc.jar

      • ldapbc.jar

      • schedulerbc.jar

  6. Continue to Finalizing the New Domain Installation.