Java CAPS Domain and Runtime Installation

ProcedureTo Install Runtime Components on a New Domain

Before You Begin

Complete the steps under Creating a New Java CAPS Domain.

  1. Open the file appserver/addons/caps/ in a text editor (where appserver is the home directory for the Java CAPS GlassFish server installation).

  2. Modify the properties in the file to match the properties of the new domain.

    Tip –

    You will likely need to change the following properties:


    • caps.admin.port. This is typically your base port plus 48. You can look the value up in domains/DomainName/config/domain.xml. It is the port number for the admin-listener.

    • caps.admin.user, if you changed the default administrator user name.

    • AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD and AS_ADMIN_MASTERPASSWORD, if you changed the default passwords.

    In addition, you need to enable the UDDI installation if you require UDDI support, and enable the STCMS installation and specify an operating system if you required STCMS support.

  3. From a command line, navigate to the appserver/bin directory.

  4. Run the following command:

    asant -f ../addons/caps/install.xml

  5. Restart the domain.

  6. Continue to Installing Java CAPS JBI Components on a New Domain.