Sun Adapter for Batch User's Guide


The Batch Secure FTP over SSL OTD (BatchFTPOverSSL) provides secure data transfer using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol.

For information about configuring external FTP servers, SSL servers, and so forth, refer to the application’s documentation.

BatchFTPOverSSL OTD Structure

The BatchFTPOverSSL OTD contains two top-level nodes, Client and Configuration. Expand these nodes to reveal additional sub-nodes.

Figure 4 BatchFTPOverSSL OTD Structure

Image displays the BatchFTPOverSSL OTD Structure

BatchFTPOverSSL OTD Node Functions

The following list provides an explanation of various nodes in the BatchFTPOverSSL OTD, including primary functions:

BatchFTPOverSSL: Represents the OTD’s root node.

Configuration Node

The BatchFTPOverSSL sub-nodes under the Configuration node correspond to BatchFTPOverSSL Adapter’s Connectivity Map and Environment configuration parameters.

BatchFTPOverSSL Client Node

The Client node contains sub-nodes that implement the adapter’s client interface in the OTDs. The BatchFTPOverSSL Client node includes the following methods: