Sun Adapter for Batch User's Guide

Using Regular Expressions

A regular expression is a character string in which some characters provide special meaning in regard to matching patterns. This section explains some basic guidelines on how to use regular expressions with the Batch Adapter.

Regular Expressions: Overview

Regular expressions allow you to specify patterns for file names and directory names. Regular expressions are used for “get” operations (receiving or source), as opposed to name patterns which are used for “put” operations (sending or destination).

The BatchFTP, Batch FTPOverSSL, BatchSFTP, BatchLocalFile, and BatchInbound OTDs allow you to use regular expressions, for example, if you want to access all files with a specific extension.

Regular expressions operate as follows:

Entering Regular Expressions

You can enter a regular expression for the FTP or local file name in a variety of ways, for example, .*\.dat$ or ^xyz.*\.dat$. The first case indicates all files with an extension of .dat. The second case indicates all file names with an extension of .dat whose names start with xyz.

Another example could be file[0-9]\.dat. This expression specifies file0.dat, file1.dat, file2.dat, and so on, through file9.dat. This will also match xyz.file0.dat, xyz.file1.dat, and so on. This type of expression will not exclude anything in front of “file”. To exclude any characters before “file” (to make “file” the exact beginning) use ^file[0-9].dat or \Afile[0-9].dat.

These types of regular expression patterns can be used for a get operation.

Regular Expressions and the Adapter

Note that the adapter provides a File Name Is Pattern or Directory Name Is Pattern configuration parameter after every property that allows a regular expression as an option. This feature allows you to specify that the pattern entered is a regular expression or just a static text entry to be interpreted literally.

Note –

Regular expressions will resolve even with a partial match to the file name. The resolution process searches for the file name contents rather than the file name.

Rules for Directory Regular Expressions

There are special considerations you must be aware of when you use regular expressions for directory names. This section describes these restrictions and provides some examples.

Restrictions for Using Regular Expressions as Directory Names

The following restrictions apply when using regular expressions as directory names:

Regular Expression Directory Name Examples

The following are several examples of regular expression directory name usage: