Sun Adapter for Batch User's Guide

File Name Position


Specifies the starting position (inclusive) of a file name.

Required Values

For Fixed list line format, enter the column number, counting the first column on the far left as column 1. For Blank Delimited list line format, enter the field number, counting the first field on the extreme left as field 1.

Additional Information

For Blank Delimited List Line Format only, if the file name has imbedded blanks, then it can span over several fields, for example:

      -rw-r--r--   1 ed        usr           110 Apr 15 13:33 aaa
      ^^^^^^^^^^   ^ ^^        ^^^           ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^
          1        2  3         4             5   6  7    8    9
                                                         File Name