Sun Adapter for Batch User's Guide

File Size Verifiable


Specifies whether the file size is verifiable, significant, and accurate within a directory listing.

Required Values

Yes or No. The File Size Stability Check configurable parameter must also be enabled.

Additional Information

Even if the file size field of a listing line is not significant (that is, it is there but only represents an approximate value), the value of this parameter must be No. However, the file size location must still be declared in the File Size Position parameter below to assist determining which line of listing represents a valid file name, for example:

       -rw-r--r--   1 ed        usr           110 Apr 15 13:33 aaa
                                              File Size

Note –

Use of this parameter does not guarantee that the file is actually stable. As this feature is intended only for backward compatibility with previous FTP implementations, we do not recommend that you rely on this functionality for critical data.