Sun Adapter for Batch User's Guide


The Batch Secure SCP OTD (BatchSCP) provides secure data transfer using Secure Copy Protocol with Secure Shell (SSH) as an underlying protocol. SCP is similar to RCP (remote copy), but the file is copied over secure shell (SSH) rather than RSH (remote shell). When files are copied using SCP the data is encrypted during transfer.

For information about configuring external FTP servers, SSH servers, and so forth, refer to the application’s documentation.

BatchSCP OTD Structure

The BatchSCP OTD contains two top-level nodes, Client and Configuration. Expand these nodes to reveal additional sub-nodes.

Figure 6 BatchSCP OTD Structure

Image displays the BatchSCP OTD Structure

BatchSCP OTD Node Functions

The following list provides an explanation of various nodes in the BatchSCP OTD, including primary functions:

BatchSCP: Represents the OTD’s root node.

Configuration Node

The BatchSCP sub-nodes under the Configuration node correspond to BatchSCP Adapter’s Connectivity Map and Environment configuration parameters.

BatchSCP Client Node

The BatchSCP OTD’s Client node includes the following methods: