Upgrading to Java CAPS 6.2

ProcedureTo Upgrade the Repository

  1. Perform a complete backup of your existing Java CAPS Repository, domains, and the caps-patch directory.

  2. Install Java CAPS 6.2 in a separate directory with the following guidelines:

    • Use the same Repository name for the new Repository as for the existing Repository that you are upgrading.

    • Use the same port numbers for the new installation as you did for the existing Java CAPS environment.

  3. Rename the new Repository to repository_62.

  4. Copy the caps-patch directory from the Java CAPS 6.2 environment into the existing Java CAPS directory.

    Note –

    This step will replace the caps-patch directory in the old Java CAPS environment.

  5. Copy the file named patches_ml.zip from the patches directory of your installation media to a temporary local directory.

  6. Extract the ZIP file to the temporary directory (maintaining the directory structure).

  7. Navigate to TempDir/patches_ml/patches/.

    You should see a file name 6836560-01-REP.zip.

  8. Install the Repository patch by running the following command. Use the caps-patch-install command from the old Repository's caps-patch/util/bin directory.

    caps–patch–install –verbose -repuser user -reppwd pasword –patch temp-dir/6836560–01–REP.zip

    where temp-dir is the location where you copied 6836560-01-REP.zip.

    Note –

    The patch installer takes additional optional parameters. For more information about the syntax, see Java CAPS 6 Patch Management Tools in Installing Patches for Java CAPS.

    This updates the Repository in the older Java CAPS environment.

  9. If you are using LDAP prefixes, open the file JavaCAPSHome/repository/repository/startserver.bat (or startserver.sh), where JavaCAPSHome is the Java CAPS R6 or R6U1 home directory. Add the following to the JAVA_OPTS section of the file:


    where prefix is the full LDAP prefix to use; for example, com.sun.java.

    Note –

    LDAP prefixes are a new features of the LDAP Adapter in this release. Prefixes are similar to suffixes, except they are prepended instead of appended to a user or group name to form the distinguished name (DN).

  10. Start the Repository you just updated (in the old Java CAPS environment) and launch the Java CAPS 6.2 NetBeans IDE.

  11. Connect to the updated Repository from the NetBeans IDE.

    You might need to modify the Repository connection information and CAPS Project location to connect to the correct Repository.

  12. Open the existing Repository-based Projects in the Projects window to verify that you are connecting correctly to the updated Repository.

  13. Continue to Completing the Upgrade From Java CAPS 6.x.