Migrating from eTL to Sun Data Integrator

ProcedureTo Use the Data Integrator Web Service in a BPEL 2.0 Module

In this procedure, you will create a new BPEL 2.0 module and add a new WSDL, and add a new BPEL process. Then, in the BPEL 2.0 editor, you will: Drag the new WSDL into the Partner Link column on the left and configure it as “My Role”; drag the WSDL file from the Data Integrator Collaborations folder into the Partner Link column on the right and configure it as “Partner Role”; drag web services (Receive, Invoke, Reply, Partner Link) and, optionally, activities (Assign and others) into the BPEL process; and then connect and configure appropriately. Finally, you will build the BPEL module.

Before You Begin

If necessary, start the NetBeans IDE and access the Projects window.

  1. In the NetBeans main menu: File -> New Project.

  2. In the New Project wizard: For Categories, choose CAPS -> ESB; for Projects, choose BPEL Module; and then click Next.

  3. In the New BPEL Module wizard: Specify a project name and location, and then click Finish.

    The project tree displays a new BPEL module.

  4. Right-click the new BPEL module: New -> WSDL Document.

  5. In the New WSDL Document wizard:

    1. Accept or modify the default name and location and then click Next.

    2. Accept or modify the default abstract configuration (default: Request-Response) and then click Next.

    3. Accept or modify the default concrete configuration and then click Finish.

    Under the BPEL module's Process Files folder, the project tree displays a new WSDL node.

  6. Right-click the new BPEL module: New -> BPEL Process.

  7. In the New BPEL Process wizard: Accept or modify the default name and location, and then click Finish.

    The BPEL Editor displays the newly created BPEL process without any partner links, web services, or activities.

  8. In the BPEL Editor:

    1. Drag the BPEL module's newly created WSDL into the left Partner Link column and configure it as My Role.

    2. Drag the Data Integrator project's WSDL into the right Partner Link column and configure it as Partner Role.

    3. From the palette, drag a Receive service, an Invoke service, and a Reply service into the Process column.

    4. Connect the left partner link to the Receive service, the Invoke service to the right partner link, and the Reply service to the right partner link.

      In the BPEL Editor: Supplying partner links and
web services, with appropriate connections

    5. (Optional) From the palette, drag activities into the Process column.

    6. (Optional) As needed, configure properties and perform mappings.

    7. Validate the XML and correct any errors.

  9. In the project tree: Right-click the BPEL Module folder and select menu item Clean and Build.

  10. In the Output window: Check for the confirming message BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time N seconds)

    Tip –

    The very first time building a new BPEL module can result in warning messages. If this occurs, simply rebuild the module.

Next Steps

After the BPEL module is complete, you can create a composite application.