Configuring Java CAPS JBI Components for GlassFish Clustering

ProcedureTo Deploy a Service Assembly to a Cluster

Before You Begin

Build the SA project to generate the package file that will be deployed to the cluster. Make sure that all of the Java CAPS JBI components included in the Service Assembly have been added to the target cluster and are in the started state. If any components have not been added to the cluster, the deployment will fail. You should also know the location of the Service Assembly package file.

  1. In the left navigation bar on the GlassFish Admin Console, expand JBI and select Service Assemblies.

  2. Click Deploy.

  3. Select the SA package file in either the File to Upload or File to Copy field, depending on the location of the file.

  4. Click Next.

  5. By the Status field, select Enabled.

  6. In the Add to Available Targets List, select the cluster.

  7. Click Finish.

    Note –

    You can also deploy the SA using the following commands, run from the GlassFish_home\bin directory:

    asadmin deploy-jbi-service-assembly --target cluster_name SA_file

    asadmin start --target cluster_name SA_file

    where cluster_name is the name of the GlassFish cluster and SA_file is the path and file name for the SA package file.

    Caution – Caution –

    When an SA is deployed to a cluster, make sure to only deploy and undeploy the SE from the Admin Console or the command line. You cannot perform these tasks from NetBeans. Disable the SA before you undeploy it.