Using the Sun HL7 JCA Adapter

Connection Pool Settings

The Connection Pool properties specify pool parameters stored in sun-ra.xml for the HL7 JCA Adapter.

Steady Pool Size

Maps to parameter “steady-pool-size” in sun-ra.xml.

Specifies the minimum number of resource adapter connections to be maintained. For nonzero values, the container populates the resource adapter connection pool with the specified number and tries to maintain at least this many resource adapter connections in the free pool, ensuring a sufficient number of connections in the ready-to-serve state to process user requests.

This parameter does not necessarily guarantee that no more than steady-pool-size instances exist at a given time. It only governs the number of instances that are pooled over a long period of time. For example, suppose an idle stateless session container has a fully-populated pool with a steady-pool-size of 10. If 20 concurrent requests arrive for the RA connection component, the container creates 10 additional instances to satisfy the burst of requests. The advantage of this is that it prevents the container from blocking any of the incoming requests. However, if the activity dies down to 10 or fewer concurrent requests, the additional 10 instances are discarded. The default setting is 1.

Max Pool Size

Maps to parameter “max-pool-size” in sun-ra.xml.

Specifies the maximum number of resource adapter connections in the pool. A value of 0 means the pool is unbounded. The default setting is 32

Pool Idle Timeout In Seconds

Maps to parameter “pool-idle-timeout-in-seconds” in sun-ra.xml.

This parameter provides a suggestion to the server for how often to run a timer thread that periodically removes unused resource adapter connections whose timeout has expired. This parameter defines the interval at which this thread runs; when it is set to greater than 0, the container removes or destroys any resource connection instance that has idle for this number of seconds. Thus, in other words, this parameter specifies the maximum number of seconds that a component can remain idle in the pool; after this amount of time, the pool can remove the bean. A value of 0 specifies that idle resource adapter connections can remain in the pool indefinitely. The default setting is 30.