Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Reference

Work Queue

Incoming requests from clients are stored by connection handler threads in the work queue. The requests are then processed by the worker thread. The cn=Resource entry for the work queue has the following monitoring DN:

cn=Work Queue, cn=Resource, cn=instanceId, cn=Instance, cn=DPS60, 
  cn=Product, cn=monitor

Entries below the cn=Resource entry for the work queue contain the following groups of attributes:

  • normalPriorityBacklogHighWaterMark identifies the maximum number of requests of normal priority that can be put in the queue. When this threshold is reached, the connection handler is suspended.

  • normalPriorityBacklogLowWaterMark. When the number of operations of normal priority drops lower than the normalPriorityBacklogLowWaterMark, the connection handler is woken up.

  • operationalStatus identifies the status of the element, with the following values: 2, and 4. For information about these values, see Table 18–2.

  • numNormalPriorityPuts identifies the number of requests of normal priority that are put in the queue by the connection handler threads.

  • numNormalPriorityGets identifies the number of request of normal priority retrieved from the queue by worker threads.

  • normalPriorityBacklog identifies the number of remaining requests of normal priority in the queue.

  • maxNormalPriorityBacklog identifies the peak of remaining requests of normal priority in the queue.

  • numHighPriorityPuts identifies the number of requests of high priority that are put in the queue by the connection handler threads.

  • numHighPriorityGets identifies the number of request of high priority retrieved from the queue by worker threads.

  • highPriorityBacklog identifies the number of remaining requests of high priority in the queue.

  • maxHighPriorityBacklog identifies the peak of remaining requests of high priority in the queue.

  • numAbandonRequests identifies the number of requests that are abandoned.

  • numSuccessfulAbandons identifies the number of requests that are abandoned while in the queue.