Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Evaluation Guide

Offline Binary Backup

The following command performs an offline binary backup:

$ dsadm backup  /install-path/sA1 /install-path/sA1-bak
[28/Oct/2006:23:38:13 -0500] - Backup starting (/install-path/sA1-bak)
[28/Oct/2006:23:38:13 -0500] - WARNING<20509> - Backend Database - conn=-1 op=-1 msgId=-1 -  
  Cannot create new directory /install-path/sA1-bak/dsA1 (-5943) Cannot create or rename a filename that already exists.
[28/Oct/2006:23:38:13 -0500] - Backing up file 1 (/install-path/sA1-bak/dsA1/dsA1_objectclass.db3)
[28/Oct/2006:23:38:13 -0500] - Backing up file 2 (/install-path/sA1-bak/dsA1/dsA1_id2entry.db3)
  [28/Oct/2005:23:38:13 -0500] - Backup completed (/install-path/sA1-bak)