Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 NSAPI Developer's Guide


The NSAPI_RUNTIME_VERSION macro defines the NSAPI version available at runtime. This is the same as the highest NSAPI version supported by the server the plug-in is running in. The NSAPI version is encoded as in USE_NSAPI_VERSION.

The value returned by the NSAPI_RUNTIME_VERSION macro is valid only in iPlanet™ Web Server 6.0, Netscape Enterprise Server 6.0, Sun ONE Web Server 6.1 and Sun Java System Web Server 7.0. That is, the server must support NSAPI 3.1 for this macro to return a valid value. Additionally, to use NSAPI_RUNTIME_VERSION, you must compile against an nsapi.h header file that supports NSAPI 3.2 or higher.

You must not attempt to set the value of the NSAPI_RUNTIME_VERSION macro directly. Instead, see the USE_NSAPI_VERSION macro.




NSAPI_PUBLIC int log_nsapi_runtime_version(pblock *pb, Session *sn, Request *rq) 
    log_error(LOG_INFORM, "log-nsapi-runtime-version", sn, rq,
                "Server supports NSAPI version %d.%d\n",
                NSAPI_RUNTIME_VERSION / 100,
                NSAPI_RUNTIME_VERSION % 100);
     return REQ_PROCEED;

See Also

filter_create, func_insert, vs_register_cb