Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Troubleshooting Guide

Existing Installation Detected

The installer maintains an entry in the product registry. If installation files are removed incorrectly (for example, if the files are manually deleted instead of being removed by running the uninstaller), the files may be gone but the Web Server entries remain in the product registry. If you then try to re-install to that location, a message displays indicating that an existing installation has been detected, even though it appears that the installation does not exist. To remedy the situation, go to the product registry and delete the entries manually.

The location of the product registry differs for each platform.

Note –

Again, the information in this section applies only if files were removed in some way other than by using the Web Server uninstaller.

Product Registry on Solaris

On Solaris, the product registry is in /var/sadm/install/productregistry.

In the productregistry file, remove the content between <components> and </components>, and you should then be able to install to the location. The following example shows a product registry file on Solaris.

Example 2–1 Example Product Registry File


Product Registry on Linux

On Linux, the product registry is in /var/opt/sun/install/productregistry.

Product Registry on Windows

On Windows, the product registry is in C:\WINNT\system32.

The installation will fail if the Windows registry contains the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sun Microsystems\WebServer\7.0 entry. Remove this entry using Registry Editor, and you should then be able to install to the desired location.

Note –

If you get an error related to the https-admserv70 service, remove the following entry from the registry and try installing again: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\https-admserv70.