Sun Java System Message Queue 3.7 UR1 Administration Guide

Routing Services

Once clients are connected to the broker, the routing and delivery of messages can proceed. In this phase, the broker is responsible for creating and managing different types of physical destinations, ensuring a smooth flow of messages, and using resources efficiently. You can use the broker configuration properties described under Routing Properties to manage these tasks in a way that suits your application’s needs.

The performance and stability of a broker depend on the system resources (such as memory) available and how efficiently they are utilized. You can set configuration properties to prevent the broker from becoming overwhelmed by incoming messages or running out of memory. These properties function at three different levels to keep the message service operating as resources become scarce:

The triggering of these system memory thresholds is a sign that systemwide and destination message limits are set too high. Because the memory thresholds cannot always catch potential memory overloads in time, you should not rely on them to control memory usage, but rather reconfigure the systemwide and destination limits to optimize memory resources.