Service Registry 3.1 User's Guide

Starting the Web Console

To start the Web Console, type the following URL into a browser:


Here is an example:


If the Registry is installed on your system, the hostname is localhost. If the Registry is not installed on your system, use the name of the system where the Registry is installed. The port value is usually 6480 unless there is a port conflict.

The Web Console has the following main sections:

When you first access the Web Console, you see the Welcome page, and the Tasks tab is visible. Click the Home link in the banner area to return to this page and tab.

Click Documentation to view the Service Registry documentation at in a new browser window.

Click User Guide to view the online help for the Web Console in a new browser window.

You use the Login button to log in to the Web Console, but you do not perform this task until you have created a user account. After you log in, the Login button is grayed out, and the End Session button changes to a Logout button.

Click the End Session button to exit the Web Console when you are not logged in.

If you click either End Session or Logout, you go to a Session Ended page that allows you to return to the Registry and start a new session.