Service Registry 3.1 User's Guide

ProcedureTo Obtain a Registry-Generated Certificate

Follow these steps if you selected the Generate Key Pair and Download PKCS12 KeyStore radio button on the User Authentication Details page.

  1. On the User Authentication Details page, type a user name in the Alias text field.

  2. Type a password in the Password and Password (repeat) text fields.

    The password must be at least 6 characters in length.

  3. Type values in the following text fields:

    • Organizational Unit

    • Organization

    The Name field contains the name that you specified as the Last Name in the New User's Details form. The City, State or Province, and Country fields also contain the values you specified in the New User's Details form. These fields are not editable. If you need to make corrections in these fields, click Previous and make the corrections in the New User's Details form.

    All fields are required.

  4. Click Next.

    A page labeled Step 4: Load Key to Web browser appears, with the message “New user successfully registered.”

  5. Click Download.

  6. In the dialog box, choose the option that allows you to save the generated certificate to disk. In the file chooser dialog, choose a directory and name for the file.

    The file must have the suffix .p12.

    The default action is to save the certificate in your home directory, in a file that is named generated-key.p12.

  7. Import the generated certificate into your browser.

    See To Load the Certificate into the Mozilla or Firefox Browser or To Load the Certificate into the Internet Explorer Browser for details.