Service Registry 3.1 Administration Guide


Copies files and folders into the Registry.


cp [-owner {URN | %index}] [-exclude pattern]… [-include pattern]… pattern


The cp command copies folders and files into the Registry as RegistryPackage and ExtrinsicObject objects, respectively.

The local directory on the local file system from which to copy files and folders defaults to the current directory from which you started the Admin Tool. You can use the -localdir option to change the local directory when you start the Admin Tool. You can use the lcd command to change the local directory after the Admin Tool has started. You can get the absolute path of the current local directory by using the show localdir command.

The command is recursive. That is, if you specify a directory, the command copies all the files and folders under the directory.



Sets the owner of the copied registry objects to the user specified by the URN or %index argument. See the description of the chown command for a description of these arguments. You must have the role of administrator to specify an owner other than yourself.


Copies all files except those whose names contain the specified pattern, where pattern is a pattern comprising literal characters and the special characters asterisk (*) (representing zero or more characters) and question mark (?) (representing one and only one character).

You can specify this option more than once.


Copies all files whose names contain the specified pattern, where pattern is a pattern comprising literal characters and the special characters asterisk (*) (representing zero or more characters) and question mark (?) (representing one and only one character).

You can specify this option more than once.



The files or folders to be copied, specified by a pattern comprising literal characters and the special characters asterisk (*) (representing zero or more characters) and question mark (?) (representing one and only one character). You can specify more than one pattern.


The following command copies the directory mydir to the Registry, to be owned by the user with the number 4 in a preceding users command.

admin> cp -owner %4 mydir

The following command copies the directory mydir to the Registry, excluding files and directories that end with the string .z or .c.

admin> cp mydir -exclude \\.z -exclude \\.c

See Also