Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 C API Reference


This function takes the following parameters:


Integer specifying the object being evaluated.


Pointer to the session token (SSOTokenID) of the authenticated user.

Note –

The Access Manager Session Service creates a session data structure (also known as an SSOToken) that stores information such as login time, authentication scheme, and authentication level. It also generates a session token (also known as an SSOTokenID, a randomly-generated string that identifies an instance of an SSOToken.


Pointer to the name of the resource being requested.


Pointer to the action requested.

Note –

An action is the operation to be performed on the resource. Web server actions are POST and GET. An allowable action for a human resources service , for example, can change a home telephone number.


Map object which contains environment variables (IP address, host name, etc.) used for evaluation by the Policy Service.

Note –

See am_map_t for more information.


Pointer to a map object which contains all the profile, session and response attributes fetched.

Note –

This must be enabled in See am_policy_result_t for information on how this is done. See am_map_t for more information on map objects.


Pointer to the am_policy_result_t type to store the result.

Note –

See am_policy_result_t for more information.


Based on the am_bool_t defined in the <am_types.h> header file, AM_TRUE indicates that policy evaluation will not be done for the URL.


Takes a value equal to the version of the instance of Access Manager with which the SDK is communicating. When communicating with Access Manager 7.0, the value will be 7.0, otherwise 6.3. It can also be set to NULL.