Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes

Web Security Service Issues Fixed

6543625 — UserName token authentication can authenticate against a configured LDAP module

The UserName token authentication is able to authenticate against a configured LDAP module. In previous releases, the UserName token authentication could only use the Access Manager file-based authentication realm.

6543626 — SOAPRequestHandler returns the SSOToken set in the Subject

SOAPRequestHandler now returns the SSOToken set in the Subject, in addition to X509 or UserName token that was used for authentication. The SSOToken is in the format usable to the PolicyEvaluator API.

6544177 — When using X509 token with an invalid certificate AM always accepts the cert even without root CA

When using X509 token with an invalid certificate, Access Manager always accepts the certificate, despite the fact that the root CA is not in the Keystore. this problem has been fixed.

6559603 — Boolean configuration flag for "request" signing

A web service user can now choose boolean configuration for SOAP request signing.

6543620 Access Manager Policy Agent profiles able to apply a digital signature to the service request for UserName token

Access Manager Policy Agent profiles can apply a digital signature to the service request and the service response. In previous releases, digital signature could be used only in case when X509 token is included into SOAP message for authentication.

6543623 Access Manager Policy Agent profiles able to encrypt SOAP request body and SOAP response body

Access Manager Policy Agent profiles are now able to encrypt SOAP request body and SOAP response body.

6570021 Encryption supports SOAP messages with extra spaces.

Access Manager now supports the encryption of SOAP message with extra spaces and new lines between XML elements of SOAP message. It is common to see SOAP messages with extra spaces and new lines inserted for better readability.