Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes

Access Manager Legacy Mode

If you are installing Access Manager with any of the following products, you must select the Access Manager Legacy (6.x) mode:

You select the Access Manager Legacy (6.x) mode, depending on how you are running the Java ES installer:

To determine the more for an Access Manager 7.1 installation, see Determining the Access Manager Mode.

Java ES Silent Installation Using a State File

Java ES installer silent installation is a non-interactive mode that allows you to install Java ES components on multiple host servers that have similar configurations. You first run the installer to generate a state file (without actually installing any components) and then edit a copy of the state file for each host server where you plan to install Access Manager and other components.

To select Access Manager in Legacy (6.x) mode, set the following parameter (along with other parameters) in the state file before you run the installer in silent mode:

AM_REALM = disabled

For more information about running the Java ES installer in silent mode using a state file, see the Chapter 5, Installing in Silent Mode, in Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Guide for UNIX.

“Configure Now” Installation Option in Graphical Mode

If you are running the Java ES Installer in graphical mode with the “Configure Now” option, on the “Access Manager: Administration (1 of 6)” panel, select “Legacy (version 6.x style)”, which is the default value.

“Configure Now” Installation Option in Text-Based Mode

If you are running the Java ES Installer in text-based mode with the “Configure Now” option, for Install type (Realm/Legacy) [Legacy] select Legacy, which is the default value.

“Configure Later” Installation Option

If you ran the Java ES Installer with the “Configure Later“ option, you must run the amconfig script to configure Access Manager after installation. To select Legacy (6.x) mode, set the following parameter in your configuration script input file (amsamplesilent):


For more information about configuring Access Manager by running the amconfig script, refer to the Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Administration Guide.

Determining the Access Manager Mode

To determine whether a running Access Manager 7.1 installation has been configured in Realm or Legacy mode, invoke:


Results are: