Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.2 Administration Guide

Password Commands

The password commands allow you to manage passwords and ensure security for the Application Server.

Table 19–20 Password Commands




Creates an alias for a password and stores it in domain.xml. An alias is a token of the form ${ALIAS=password-alias-password}. The password corresponding to the alias name is stored in an encrypted form. This command takes both a secure interactive form (in which the user is prompted for all information) and a more script-friendly form, in which the password is propagated on the command line.


Deletes a password alias. 


Updates the password alias IDs in the named target. 


Lists all password aliases. 


This remote command modifies the admin password. This command is interactive in that the user is prompted for the old and new admin password (with confirmation). 


This local command is used to modify the master password. This command is interactive in that the user is prompted for the old and new master password. This command will not work unless the server is stopped.