Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.2 Developer's Guide

Configuring a Message Driven Bean to Use a Resource Adapter

The Connectors 1.5 specification’s message inflow contract provides a generic mechanism to plug in a wide-range of message providers, including JMS, into a J2EE-compatible application server. Message providers use a resource adapter and dispatch messages to message endpoints, which are implemented as message-driven beans.

The message-driven bean developer provides activation configuration information in the message-driven bean’s ejb-jar.xml file. Configuration information includes messaging-style-specific configuration details, and possibly message-provider-specific details as well. The message-driven bean deployer uses this configuration information to set up the activation specification JavaBean. The activation configuration properties specified in ejb-jar.xml override configuration properties in the activation specification definition in the ra.xml file.

According to the EJB specification, the messaging-style-specific descriptor elements contained within the activation configuration element are not specified because they are specific to a messaging provider. In the following sample message-driven bean ejb-jar.xml, a message-driven bean has the following activation configuration property names: destinationType, SubscriptionDurability, and MessageSelector.

<!--  A sample MDB that listens to a JMS Topic -->
<!-- message-driven bean deployment descriptor -->
       JMSType = 'car' AND color = 'blue'

When the message-driven bean is deployed, the value for the resource-adapter-mid element in the sun-ejb-jar.xml file is set to the resource adapter module name that delivers messages to the message endpoint (to the message-driven bean). In the following example, the jmsra JMS resource adapter, which is the bundled resource adapter for the Sun Java System Message Queue message provider, is specified as the resource adapter module identifier for the SampleMDB bean.

    <!-- JNDI name of the destination from which messages would be 
         delivered from MDB needs to listen to -->
    <!-- Resource Adapter Module Id that would deliver messages to 
         this message endpoint -->

When the message-driven bean is deployed, the Application Server uses the resourceadapter-mid setting to associate the resource adapter with a message endpoint through the message inflow contract. This message inflow contract with the application server gives the resource adapter a handle to the MessageEndpointFactory and the ActivationSpec JavaBean, and the adapter uses this handle to deliver messages to the message endpoint instances (which are created by the MessageEndpointFactory).

When a message-driven bean first created for use on the Application Server 7 is deployed, the Connector runtime transparently transforms the previous deployment style to the current connector-based deployment style. If the deployer specifies neither a resource-adapter-mid property nor the Message Queue resource adapter’s activation configuration properties, the Connector runtime maps the message-driven bean to the jmsra system resource adapter and converts the JMS-specific configuration to the Message Queue resource adapter’s activation configuration properties.

Example Resource Adapter for Inbound Communication

The inbound sample connector bundled with the Application Server is a good example of an application utilizing the inbound connectivity contract of the J2EE Connector Architecture 1.5 specification. This sample connector is available at install-dir/samples/connectors/apps/mailconnector.

This example connector shows how to create an inbound J2EE Connector Architecture 1.5-compliant resource adapter and deploy its components. It shows how these resource adapters interact with other application components. The inbound sample resource adapter allows message endpoints (that is, message-driven beans) to receive email messages delivered to a specific mailbox folder on a given mail server.

The application that is bundled along with this inbound sample connector provides a simple Remote Method Invocation (RMI) back end service that allows the user to monitor the mailbox folders specified by the message-driven beans. The sample application also contains a sample message-driven bean that illustrates how the activation configuration specification properties of the message-driven bean provide the configuration parameters that the back end and resource adapter require to monitor a specific mailbox folder.

The onMessage method of the message-driven bean uses the JavaMail API to send a reply acknowledging the receipt of the message. This reply is sufficient to verify that the full process is working.