Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Guide for UNIX

Chapter 4 Installing With the Text-Based Interface

This chapter provides instructions for using the interactive text-based interface to install the Sun JavaTM Enterprise System (Java ES) software.

This chapter has the following sections:

Before Installing

Before beginning the tasks in the chapter, you should have developed an installation sequence and ensured that any general installation requirements and prerequisites are met. After completing these tasks, you are ready to install.

This section addresses the following topics:

Verifying Prerequisites

Refer to Verifying Installation Prerequisites for specific information on prerequisites for this release of Java ES.

You can find system requirements listed in Platform Requirements and Issues in Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Release Notes for UNIX.

Information on some common situation that might affect the order of installation can be found in Table 2–1.

Getting the Software

For additional information on getting the Java ES software, refer to Getting the Java ES Software.

How to Use the Text-Based Interface

The text-based installer does not display a graphical interface, but instead prompts you for information using a series of queries. The following table describes how to respond to the installer’s text-based prompts.

Table 4–1 Responding to the Text-Based Installer Prompts



To accept default values, as indicated in square brackets [ ]

Press Return. 

To select items from a list 

Type the numbers for the items in a comma-separated sequence and press Return. Spaces are not allowed. For example, to select item 2 in a list, type 2 and press Return.

To select items 1, 3, and 4, type 1,3,4 and press Return.

To deselect items from a list 

Type the numbers for the items in a comma-separated sequence, entering the minus character (-) before each number, and press Return. Spaces are not allowed. For example, to deselect item 2 from the list, type -2 and press Return.

To deselect items 1, 3, and 4, type -1,-3,-4 and press Return.

To provide a value to a text field 

Type the value and press Return. 

To provide a password 

Type the password and press Return. 

The password will not appear on the terminal window. 

Note: For the Java ES installer, white space cannot be used in admin passwords, nor can the following symbols: ; & ( ) ! | < > ' “ $ ^ \ # / , @ %

To return to the previous page 

Type the left angle (<) character and press Return. 

To exit the session 

Type the exclamation mark character (!) and press Return.

Running the Installer in Text-Based Mode

A full description of options for the installer command and its options is contained in Appendix B, Installation Commands.

If you have problems during installation, refer to the troubleshooting information in Chapter 9, Troubleshooting.

ProcedureTo Begin Installation

  1. If you are not logged in as root, become superuser.

  2. Start the text-based installer:

    ./installer —nodisplay

    Welcome information is displayed.

  3. Press Return to display the Software License Agreement.

    Continue pressing Return to read the entire Agreement.

  4. To accept the terms of the License Agreement, type yes and press Return.

    If you do not accept all the terms of the License, select the default no by pressing Return. This ends the installation session.

ProcedureTo Select Components and Languages

The installer checks your host for previously installed versions of Java ES product components. Some product components can be upgraded by the installer (Application Server, Message Queue, Java DB, and HADB). For example:

The following components can be upgraded by the Java ES installer. 
Others will appear disabled, "* *", in the Choose Software Components Main Menu.

High Availability Session Store 4.4 - Upgradable, Compatible
Message Queue 3.7 UR1 - Upgradable, Incompatible

   <Press ENTER to continue>

If any other incompatible components are identified, you will need to remove or upgrade them manually. Instructions for upgrading outside the Java ES installer are contained in Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Upgrade Guide for UNIX. When incompatibility issues are resolved, installation can proceed.

Note –

HP-UX does not support Sun Cluster components, Directory Preparation Tool, HADB, or third-party web containers. Linux does not support Sun Cluster components, and only supports the BEA WebLogic third-party container for Configure Now installation.

Choose Software Components - Main Menu
Note: "*  *" indicates that the selection is disabled

[ ] 1.  Directory Preparation Tool 6.4
[ ] 2.  Web Server 7.0
[ ] 3.  Sun Cluster Geographic Edition 3.1 2006Q4
[ ] 4.  Web Proxy Server 4.0.4
[ ] 5.  Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0
[ ] 6.  High Availability Session Store 4.4
[ ] 7.  Access Manager 7.1
[ ] 8.  Sun Cluster 3.1 8/05
[ ] 9.  Message Queue 3.7 UR1
[ ] 10. Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.2
[ ] 11. Service Registry 3.1
[ ] 12. Portal Server Secure Remote Access 7.1
[ ] 13. Monitoring Console 1.0
[ ] 14. Portal Server 7.1
[ ] 15. Java DB 10.1
[ ] 16. Sun Cluster Agents 3.1
[ ] 17. All Shared Components
   Enter a comma separated list of products to install, or press R to refresh
   the list [] {"<" goes back, "!" exits}:
  1. Type a comma-separated list of the numbers associated with the components you want to install, and press Return.

    The installer presents a list called Choose Software Components — Confirm Choices which shows the components you selected.

  2. If the chosen components are correct, press Return.

    The installer queries you about installing subcomponents for those components you chose. For example:

    Component Selection -  "Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0"
    *[X] 1. Directory Server Core Server
    *[X] 2. Directory Service Control Center
    *[X] 3. Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6 Command-Line Utilities
    *[X] 4. Directory Proxy Server 6 Core Server
    Enter a comma-separated list of componets to install 
    (or D to install all) [D] {"<" goes back, "!" exits}

    Not all product components have subcomponents. In this case, the single product component is displayed, but no response is required from you. In cases where subcomponents are displayed, you must respond to the query.

  3. Complete your subcomponent selections.

    After you have confirmed all your subcomponent selections, the installer queries you about installing multilingual packages.

  4. To install multilingual packages for all selected components, select (1) Yes and press Return.

    By default, multilingual packages for the components you selected are installed. If you select (2) No, only English packages are installed. In this case, you will be queried to confirm this choice and warned that you will not be able to install localization packages later.

  5. Resolve product component dependency errors.

    If there is a problem with component dependencies, the installer displays a Product Dependency Check error or warning, depending on the problem. Typical problems might include:

    • A local dependency has not been met

      In this situation, return to Choose Software Components and select the appropriate product component to satisfy the local dependency.

    • A remote dependency will be met later during postinstallation configuration

      If you do not intend to specify a remote installation, return to Choose Software Components and select the appropriate product component to satisfy the dependency locally.

    • Previous versions of product components are already installed on the local host

      If incompatible versions of product components are detected, you will need to exit the installer and upgrade or remove the incompatible versions.

  6. Resolve shared component dependency errors.

    If any incompatible versions of shared components are found on the host, you are asked if you want to upgrade them. Review the Shared Components Upgrade Required list and determine if it is safe for the installer to automatically upgrade these shared components.

    Caution – Caution –

    Do not upgrade shared components without checking the dependencies that exist on the host for non-Java ES applications. First verify that these existing applications are compatible with the required Java ES versions of the shared components. For information about upgrading, see the Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Upgrade Guide for UNIX.

    • Type 1 (the default) or press Return to have the installer upgrade the shared components.

    • Type 2 to cancel the installation session so that you can upgrade the shared components manually.

    If you type 2, you must remove or upgrade the shared components on the Shared Components Upgrade Required list before you can continue with installation.

  7. On Solaris OS, indicate if the installer should upgrade the J2SE SDK.

    On Solaris OS, if an incompatible system-wide version of the J2SE SDK is detected, the J2SE Software Development Kit Upgrade Required page is displayed. You are presented with choices about what to do: (1) automatically upgrade the SDK version, or (2) manually upgrade the SDK version. Read the page and decide whether to upgrade automatically or manually. The default value is Automatically.

    If a higher version of the JDK is encountered, with one or more JDK packages missing (for example, the 64–bit JVM), the installer treats this version as incompatible. In the case, choosing either option (1) or (2) results in the JDK being downgraded to the version of the JDK required by Java ES.

ProcedureTo Specify Installation Directories and Initiate the System Check

  1. Accept the default installation locations for the selected product components, or replace the default locations and press Return.

    Note –

    If you choose to enter alternate values instead of accepting the default values, you will need to be sure to specify your chosen alternate values whenever the item is requested by the installer or a configurator.

    A default installation directory is displayed for each selected product component. For example:

    Installation Directories
    Enter the name of the target installation directory for each product:
    Directory Server [/opt/SUNWdsee]  {"<" goes back, "!" exits}
    Web Server [/opt/SUNWwbsvr7]  {"<" goes back, "!" exits}
    Web Server Instance [/var/opt/SUNWwbsvr7]  {"<" goes back, "!" exits}
  2. Review any issues discovered by the system check.

    After the installation directories are chosen, the installer automatically initiates a check for disk space, memory, swap space, operating system patches, and operating system resources based on the components you selected. The left column of the following table lists the possible results of the system check. The right column specifies what action you should take for each situation

    Message Displayed 

    Your Action 

    System ready for installation

    Proceed with installation. 

    System ready for installation

    Includes a warning that memory or swap space is not at the recommended level. 

    Proceed with installation, but add memory or swap space when installation is complete. If you do not add memory or swap space, performance might be seriously affected. 

    System not ready for installation

    If any patches are missing, the patch numbers are displayed. If you can fix the reported problems without stopping the installer, do so and then continue with installation. 

    For some issues, such as low memory, you can proceed with installation, but for others, such as insufficient disk space, you must resolve the issue before the installer can proceed.

    Solaris 10. If the installer is running in a non-global zone, you will receive a message telling you that memory information is not available.

  3. Install any missing operating system patches.

    You must install most missing patches before proceeding with installation. For guidelines, refer to To Install a Patch. In some cases, you are allowed to proceed without installing a missing patch. In this case, if you choose to proceed, you are warned that installation might fail or software might malfunction. To continue with installation, you must confirm that you want to proceed without installing the missing patches.

  4. After the system is ready for installation, press Return to continue.

    You are queried about what type of configuration you want for the installation and asked to provide global settings.

ProcedureTo Specify a Configuration Type and Common Server Settings

  1. Specify a configuration type from the following options:

    • Configure Now (the default). Allows you to configure product components that permit configuration at installation time. Your Configure Now tasks include specifying the common server settings and entering the configuration information for the product components selected.

      Note –

      Some product components cannot be configured during installation. If any of these product components were selected, you receive a message saying that you will need to configure these product components after installation.

    • Configure Later. You provide only the minimum values that are necessary for installing the packages. The installer proceeds without doing further configuration. If you chose the Configure Later type, skip to To Install the Software.

  2. For Configure Now, choose how your administrator user ID and password should be entered.

    If you selected more than one product component that uses administrator user ID and password, you are prompted to choose.

    Note –

    For the Java ES installer, white space cannot be used in admin passwords, nor can the following symbols: ; & ( ) ! | < > ' “ $ ^ \ # / , @ %

    • Use a single administrator account and password. (default) If you accept the default, you enter the administrator user ID and password once, and these fields will not be displayed again on the configuration pages.

    • Use different administrator account for each product. If you select this option, you will be asked to enter administrator user ID and password on the configuration pages for each of the selected components that use administrator ID and password.

  3. For a Configure Now installation, specify common server settings.

    The installer presents you with a list of common server settings and their defaults for the components your selected. For example:

    Specify Common Server Settings
    Enter Host Name [myComputer]  {"<" goes back, "!" exits}
    Enter DNS Domain Name []  {"<" goes back, "!" exits}
    Enter IP Address []  {"<" goes back, "!" exits}
    Enter Server admin User ID  [Admin]  {"<" goes back, "!" exits}
    Enter Admin User's Password (Password cannot be less than 8 characters) []  {"<" goes back, "!" exits}
    Confirm Admin User's Password  []  {"<" goes back, "!" exits}
    Enter System User [root] {"<" goes back, "!" exits}
    Enter system Group [root] {"<" goes back, "!" exits}

    Either accept the defaults, or use alternate data for these global parameters. For information on the parameters, refer to the Common Settings in Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Reference for UNIX.

ProcedureTo Specify Component Configuration Data

For a Configure Now installation, the installer presents one or more configuration queries for the selected product components that can be configured during installation. The following information can help in your selection:

Tip –

After installation is complete, you can access your configuration information in the Installation Summary here:

Solaris OS: /var/sadm/install/logs

Linux and HP-UX: /var/opt/sun/install/logs

  1. Specify configuration settings for product components.

    Either accept the defaults or use the information you gathered in the product component worksheets to answer the installer queries regarding each product component.

    A typical configuration query looks similar to the following:

    Web Server: Specify instance Settings
    Server Name []  {"<" goes back, "!" exits}
    Enter HTTP Port [80]  {"<" goes back, "!" exits}
    Enter Runtime UNIX User ID [webservd]  {"<" goes back, "!" exits}
    Enter Document Root Directory [/var/opt/SUNWwbsvr7/docs] {"<" goes back, "!" exits}

    Note –

    When you are installing Access Manager with Portal Server, you can select either Realm (Access Manager 7.x compatible) mode or Legacy (Access Manager 6.x compatible) mode for Access Manager, ignoring the installer message that says Legacy mode is required for Portal Server. However, Portal Server supports Realm mode only if Access Manager is configured with Directory Server, with AM SDK configured for the data store. If you are using Communications products, Legacy mode is required

    Note –

    To use Web Server as the web container, the Web Server Configuration Type mode must be set to Server, not Agent, when you are queried on the Web Server Configuration Type page. Default value is Server.

  2. Review the list of your selected product components and subcomponents.

    After configuration values are set, the installer displays a Ready to Install list of the components and subcomponents that you have selected. For example:

    Ready to Install
    The following components will be installed.
    Product: Java Enterpirese System 5
    Uninstall Location: /var/sadm/prod/SUNWentsys5
    Space Required: 199.10 M
    Web Server 7.0
    Web Server CLI
    Web Server Core
    Web Server Samples
    Directory Preparaation Tool 6.4
    Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0
    Directory Server Core Server
    Directory Service Control Center
    Directory Server Enterprise Edition Command-Line Utilities
    Directory Proxy Server Core Server
    Monitoring Console 1.0

    If you need to make changes, type < and press Return until you reach the prior query that requires a change. Although shared components are not explicitly listed, they have already been verified and will be installed if they are needed by the selected product components.

ProcedureTo Install the Software

When you are satisfied with the Ready to Install list, you can start the installation.

Note –

For Linux, do not use the rpm command while the installer is running. For HP-UX, do not use the swlist, swcopy, or swinstall commands. If you use these command during Java ES installation, the installer might hang.

  1. To start the installation, press Return to accept the default [1].

    The installation process starts and a progress indicator bar informs you of the state of the installation. For example:

    Java Enterprise System

    Depending on the size and complexities of your installation, this process can be lengthy.

    When the installation has successfully completed, the Installation Complete message is displayed.

  2. Examine the Installation Summary and Installation logs.

    When installation is complete, any issues from the installation, such as insufficient memory, are displayed on the screen. The following files also contain useful information

    • [1] Installation Summary. Lists each component installed and the settings you specified. If you chose Configure Now, this summary includes all the configuration values.

    • [2] Installation log. Displays the installer’s log messages for components.

    After installation, these files can be found here:

    Solaris OS: /var/sadm/install/logs

    Linux and HP-UX: /var/opt/sun/install/logs

    To see a full listing of the Java ES logs, refer to Examining Installation Log Files.

  3. Exit the installer.

    Your installer session is done. Product components that were installed will need to be started after you have completed all postinstallation tasks. Proceed to Next Steps.

  4. Register your successful installation.

    After Java ES installation completes successfully, the Java ES Reporter installation utility starts automatically in the console or terminal where you invoked the installer. You are asked to provide the URL or IP address of a proxy that Reporter will use to access Sun through the internet. No other input from you is required.

    Note –

    For a full description of Java ES Reporter, refer to How Java ES Reporter Works.

Adding Components

To install additional components, you can run the installer again. The installer detects installed components and uses them to satisfy the dependencies of the product components you are adding. Installed product components are disabled at the Choose Software Components page.

For example, suppose you have installed Access Manager and its required product components during this installation. Later, you decide to install Portal Server. The existing instance of Access Manager will be used to meet the Portal Server dependency on Access Manager. You will not be asked to reinstall Access Manager.

Note –

When adding product components to a host where a Java ES installation has already been done, be sure to use the correct paths and passwords if the new product component will use a product component that is already installed and configured. If you do not remember the correct paths, refer to the Installation Summary for the original installation before adding any product components to the host.

Next Steps

After you have completed the installer portion of your Java ES installation, proceed as follows: