Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Guide for UNIX

ProcedureTo Select Product Components to Uninstall

  1. Examine the product components and select those you want to uninstall.

    • Product components that are installed on your system are enabled and can be selected. Product components that are not installed on your system are disabled.

    • Some product components contain subcomponents. Expand the product components to view the subcomponents.

  2. After you are satisfied with your selections, click Next.

  3. Resolve configuration or dependency issues.

    If the uninstaller detects any recognizable product component dependencies, or potential loss of configuration data among the products selected, warnings are displayed. Your choices are:

    1. Click Continue to continue with uninstallation.

    2. Click Close to return to the Choose Software Components page.

  4. If unconfigure pages are displayed, enter the information requested for the product component.