Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Guide for UNIX

ProcedureTo Develop a Sequence for Solaris 10 Sparse Root Zones

  1. Verifying that Solaris 10 is installed on your host

    The global zone is automatically created.

  2. Verifying that all your sparse root zones are in the running state

    A zone is in the running state when it has been configured, installed, and booted. For information on sparse root zones, refer to Chapter 18, Planning and Configuring Non-Global Zones (Tasks), in System Administration Guide: Solaris Containers-Resource Management and Solaris Zones.

  3. Checking the installation sequence guidelines

    Check to see what sequence guidelines apply. Refer to Table 2–1.

  4. Checking the installation prerequisites

    Check to see what installation prerequisites apply. Refer to Table 1–3.

  5. Starting the Java ES installer in the global zone, and selecting only shared components

    Select only All Shared Components at component selection; no other components should be selected. When shared component installation is complete, the shared component are in the global zone and are also propagated to all non-global zones.

    Note –

    For shared components that use multilingual packages, the Java ES multilingual packages must be present in the global zone.

  6. If Message Queue or Application Server are being used, upgrading Message Queue in the global zone

    Message Queue is often installed during Solaris 10 installation and does not support installation into a sparse root zone. Therefore, Message Queue must be installed in the global zone, after which it is propagated to all non-global zones.

  7. If Application Server is being used, removing the bundled Application Server from the global zone

    If Application Server is being used in the deployment, the Application Server that is bundled in Solaris 10 must be removed from the global zone. In the global zone on the host, list the Application Server packages as follows:

    pkginfo -i | grep -i "application server"

    If Application Server packages are present, remove them from the global zone. Because these packages are automatically removed from all the non-global zones, you will need go to each sparse root zone and reinstall Application Server.

  8. Starting the Java ES installer in the desired sparse root zone

  9. At component selection, choosing the components you want

    If a component cannot be installed in a sparse root zone, then it will be unavailable for component selection.

  10. Viewing the Installation Summary and Log

  11. Completing postinstallation configuration as needed

    Chapter 6, Completing Postinstallation Configuration provides postinstallation configuration instructions.

  12. Starting product components

    Chapter 7, Verifying Installed Product Components provides procedures for starting and stopping the Java ES product components.

  13. Repeating this process in additional sparse root zones as needed