Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Reference for UNIX

Web Proxy Server Configuration Information

Table 3–37 Administration Information for Web Proxy Server

Label and State File Parameter 


Administrator User ID


User ID of the Web Proxy Server administrator.  

The default value is admin or the value you provided under Common Server Settings.

Note: If you chose to use a single administrator account, this field is not present. 

Administrator Password


The password of the Web Proxy Server administrator. 

The default value is the password you provided under Common Server Settings. 

Note: If you chose to use a single administrator account, this field is not present. 

Note: In the Java ES installer, white space cannot be used in admin passwords, nor can the following symbols:  ; & ( ) ! | < > ' “ $ ^ \ # / , @ %

Proxy Server Domain Name


A host and domain value that resolves to the local host. The default value is created by joining the values that you provided for Host Name and for DNS Domain Name under Common Server Settings. For example: hostname.domain

Administration Port


Port on which the Web Proxy Server administration server listens for connections.  

The default value is 8888.

Admin Server Runtime User ID


The Web Proxy Server administration server runs on the system as this user (UID). Use the name rather than the user ID number. The default value is the value you provided for System Users under Common Server Settings. 

Instance Runtime UNIX User ID


An existing non–root user.  

Note: On HP-UX, ensure that nobody is a valid user.

The default value is nobody.

Proxy Instance Port


Port on which Web Proxy Server listens for connections.  

The default value is 8080.

Instance Auto Start Value


Used to automatically start the Web Proxy Server instance. Choose this parameter when Web Proxy Server needs to be started at a reboot. Values can be y or n.

The default value is n.