Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Release Notes for UNIX

Access Manager Installation Issues

On HP-UX, Access Manager installation cannot find gettext binary (6497926)

When installing Access Manager on HP-UX, the installation fails, indicating that Access Manager could not find the gettext binary.

Solution Download getext 0.14.6 or later and install it.

Access Manager SDK configuration causes web server startup failure errors (6293225)

The problem of web server startup failures can be attributed to the Access Manager's SDK configuration. In the current scenario, the file contains the wrong information and causes a series a web server startup failures. The following variables do not have the correct information:

Solution On your node B, where Access Manager SDK is installed with Web Server, modify the <Web_Server_Instance_dir>/config/server.xml file and add the required Access Manager JAR files to the classpath.

Installer doesn't add platform entry for existing directory install (6202902)

The Java ES Installer does not add a platform entry for an existing directory server installation (DIRECTORY_MODE=2).

Solution Edit the platform service Server List attribute to add the second instance. For example. if the first instance is, it will have an entry such as|01. If the second instance is on host2 and uses the same Directory Server as host1, use the Access Manager administrator console to add an entry such as|02.

Installing Access Manager on an existing DIT requires rebuilding Directory Server indexes (6268096)

To improve the search performance, Directory Server has several new indexes. Therefore, after you install Access Manager with an existing directory information tree (DIT), rebuild the Directory Server indexes by running the script. For example: # ./ -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -n userRoot

The script is available in the DS-install-directory/slapd-hostname/ directory.

pre61to62upgrade script does not handle DB based logging correctly (5042233)

After the Access Manager upgrade process from version 6.1 to version 6.2 is finished, the upgrade log indicates that the DB based logging was not handled correctly.

Solution None. The Access Manager upgrade process from version 6.1 to version 6.2 does not support backing up of the DB log tables.

Installing Access Manager With SSL Enabled Directory Server (no bug number)

If Directory Server is already installed and has only LDAPS (SSL) enabled, the installation of Access Manager will fail. To install Access Manager, first enable LDAP (no SSL) for Directory Server. After the Access Manager installation is finished, you can disable LDAP and leave only LDAPS.

Single Quote Not Allowed in Passwords and Root Suffix (no bug number)

In passwords (such as for amadmin) and the Directory Server root suffix, Access Manager does not support a single quote (\q). The back-slash (\\), however, is supported.

Installation of Access Manager fails if Directory Server implements the Reset Password (4992507)

When you run the Java Enterprise System installer, the installation of Access Manager fails if Directory Server is configured to require users to change their passwords the first time they log in.

Solution Set the Directory Server password reset policy to “off”.

Authentication service is not initialized whenAccess Manager and Directory Server are installed on separate machines (6229897)

Although the classpath and other Access Manager web container environment variables are updated during installation, the installation process does not restart the web container. If you try to login to Access Manager after installation before the web container is restarted, the following error is returned:

Authentication Service is not initialized.
Contact your system administrator.

Solution Restart the web container before you login to Access Manager. Directory Server must also be running before you login.

Access Manager does not update the Application Server domain.xml (6439597)

Access Manager does not update the Application Server domain.xml properly with JVM options and server classpath . This is known to occur in the following scenario:

  1. You install and configure Application Server and Directory Server.

  2. You create a node agent.

  3. You create a non-default Application Server instance.

  4. You install Access Manager in "Configure Later" mode.

  5. You edit the amsamplesilent file and then run it using amconfig.

  6. When you try to log in to Access Manager with a browser, an error message is displayed.

Solution Before installing Access Manager, edit the amsamplesilent file so that the container block includes the following information:


After the edits are completed, run the amconfig command:

./amconfig -s amsamplesilent