Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1 Administration Guide

Chapter 6 Managing Portal Server End-User Behavior Tracking

This chapter describes how to track Sun Java System Portal Server user behavior.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Understanding Portal Server User Behavior Tracking

Portal Server user behavior tracking (UBT) provides a way to track end-user activity on the Portal Server application. User activity on Portal Desktop is captured into a ubt log file. The ubt log file is recorded in a W3C standard Extended Log File Format. From this log file, you can create various end-user behavior tracking reports using the Portal Server console or the psadmin generate-ubt-report command. You can also use third-party tools such asAWStats to generate UBT reports.

You can also enable UBT from the file. Go to /var/opt/SUNWportal/portals/portalID/config/ and set com.sun.portal.ubt.enable=true.

The table shows the list of UBT reports, their description, and the available format of the reports.

Table 6–1 User Behavior Tracking Reports

Report Name 

Report Description 

Report Formats 

Portal User Identity Report 

This report lists users along with time of their last portal access. Users are grouped as per the server they accessed, domain they belong to, and relative DN. 


Portal User Login Rate 

This report shows the rate of logins into portal. 


Portal Channel View Report 

This report lists users viewing a channel along with number of times they viewed that channel. The channels are grouped as per the containers they belong to. 


User Customization of Portal Containers 

This report shows the portal container customization. Container customization usually refers to content, layout or theme changes on the Desktop. 


Portal Request Rate 

This report shows the rate of request of each top container every hour over a period of time. The top container request is considered a page request. 


User Customization of Portal Channels 

This report lists end users along with the actions they performed on the channels. Users are grouped by the containers they access, and by channels on which they performed actions. 


Portlet Actions Report 

This report shows the rate of portlet action requests in the portal. 


Portlet Render Report 

This report shows the number of times a portlet is displayed in a portlet mode in a particular window state. In MINIMIZED window state, a portlet is not rendered, and the count for this state is not displayed. 


Portal User Login Rate Report 

This report shows the rate of logins into the portal. 


Setting Up Portal Server User Behavior Tracking

This section has information on how to enable user behavior tracking and generate reports.

You can perform the following tasks from the portal server management console:

ProcedureTo Enable the User Behavior Tracking Logging

By default, UBT logging on a Portal Server application is not enabled.

  1. Log in to the Portal Server management console.

  2. Select the Common Tasks tab.

  3. Under Reports and Logs, click Portal Usage Reports to launch the wizard.

  4. From Select Portal drop-down menu select a portal instance, and click OK.

    The User Behavior Tracking page is displayed.

  5. Click the Settings submenu and enable UBT logging under Common Properties.

    For more information on Common Properties, Handler Properties and Event Settings, see Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1 Technical Reference

    Note –

    For all other properties, default values are already set and are sufficient for UBT to work. To apply the changes to all instances of Portal Server, click the Apply to All Instances button. Otherwise, click the Apply to Selected Instance button.

  6. Access the portal Desktop and make sure user behavior tracking log files are generated.

    By default, user behavior tracking logs are written into /PortalData-Dir/portals/PortalID/logs/instanceID/ubt.0.0.log file.

ProcedureTo Generate User Behavior Tracking Reports

  1. Log in to the Portal Server management console.

  2. Select the Common Tasks tab.

  3. Under Reports and Logs, click Portal Usage Reports to launch the wizard.

  4. From Select Portal drop-down menu select a portal instance, and click OK.

    The User Behavior Tracking page is displayed.

  5. Click the Reports submenu.

    Eight reports are listed. All these reports can be generated either in PDF or HTML format. See Table 6–1 for more information.

Equivalent psadmin Command

psadmin generate-ubt-report