Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1 Administration Guide

Managing Classification Rules

Documents can be assigned to multiple categories, up to a maximum number defined in the settings. Classification rules are simpler than robot filter rules because they do not involve any flow-control decisions. In classification rules you determine what criteria to use to assign specific categories to a resource as part of its Resource Description. A classification rule is a simple conditional statement, taking the form if condition is true, assign the resource to <a category>.

ProcedureTo Create a Classification Rule

  1. Log in to the Portal Server management console.

  2. Select Search Servers from the menu bar, then select a search server.

  3. Select Robot from the menu bar, then Classification Rules.

  4. Select Classification Rules and click New.

    The New Classification Rule dialog box appears.

  5. Specify the configuration attributes as necessary.

    For more information about the attributes, see Manage Classification Rules in Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1 Technical Reference.

  6. Click OK.

ProcedureTo Edit a Classification Rule

  1. Log in to the Portal Server management console.

  2. Select Search Servers from the menu bar, then select a search server.

  3. Select Robot, then Classification Rules from the menu bar.

  4. Select a classification rule, and click Edit.

  5. Modify the attributes as necessary.

    For more information about the attributes, see Manage Classification Rules in Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1 Technical Reference.

  6. Click OK.