Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1 Configuration Guide

Configuring Portal Server 7.1 on a 64–bit Web Server 7.0 Instance

Portal Server 7.1 supports 64–bit Web Server 7.0 on the following platforms:

While you install Portal Server using the Java ES installer, it is installed in the 32–bit mode. If you need to install Portal Server in 64–bit mode, you need to install it in two sessions:

ProcedureTo Configure Portal Server 7.1 on a 64–bit Web Server 7.0 Instance

  1. Install Web Server 7.0, Directory Server, and Access Manager using the Java ES installer.

  2. Start the Directory Server instance.

  3. Ensure that the Web Server 7.0 administrator server is running.


  4. Ensure that the Web Server instance is running.


  5. Configure Web Server to support 64–bit mode.

    WebServer_base/SUNWwbsvr7/bin/wadm set-config-prop
    --user=admin --port=8989 --password-file=passfile
    -config=host_name platform=64
    WebServer_base/bin/wadm set-thread-pool-prop
    -user=admin --port=8989 --password-file=passfile
    -config=host_name stack-size=261144
    WebServer_base/bin/wadm deploy-config
    -user=admin --password-file=passfile
    -port=8989 --restart=true host_name
  6. Ensure that the web container instance and administrator server are running.



  7. Install Portal Server 7.1 in the Configure Now mode using the Java ES installer.