Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1 Configuration Guide

Chapter 10 Setting Up Federated Search

The Federated Search feature enables users to submit a search query to multiple search engines concurrently and have the search results displayed in a unified format. The Federated Search feature provides a single interface for the user to post a search query to both a web meta-repository, such as and an internal directory system such as a local personnel directory. The search results from these two different sites are presented to the user in a single web page.

Note –

Federated google search will work only if the customer has an existing google client key, because new keys are no longer being issued.

Setting Up Federated Search

ProcedureTo Set Up Federated Search

  1. Set up sample federated databases:

    1. From a terminal window, log in to the host where search server is installed.

    2. Type the following:

      cd /opt/SUNWportal/sdk/search

    3. Modify the sampledbs.soif file to change google clientKey value to be your downloaded license key, and modify databaseurl, providerurl, rdmserverurl, and other url values, accordingly.

      Use the SOIF file syntax. The number in curly brackets ({ }) following the attribute is the number of characters you enter for that attribute's value.

    4. Type the following:

      cd /var/opt/SUNWportal/searchservers/search-server

      ./run-cs-cli rdmgr -y root /opt/SUNWportal/sdk/search/sampledbs.soif

      ./run-cs-cli rdmgr -y root -U to verify that the soif entries containing the configurations for sample federated databases in the sampledbs.soif are in the root db.

  2. Add googleapi.jar and oracledriver.jar to the web container's class path:

    On the Application Server:

    cp google-api-install-directory/googleapi/googleapi.jar /var/opt/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-modules/search-server-ID /WEB-INF/lib/googleapi.jar

    On the Web Server:

    cp /google-api-install-directory/googleapi/googleapi.jar /var/opt/SUNWwbsvr7/https-host.domain/webapp/host.domain/search-server-ID /WEB-INF/lib

  3. Restart the web container.

ProcedureTo Test Federated Search

  1. Use the rdmserver front-end by:

    1. Go to

    2. Select “rd-request” for Type, select “search“ for “Query Language.”

    3. Enter a federated db such as “google” for “Database.”

    4. Enter a query such as “java” for “Scope”.

    5. Click “Submit GET.”

    6. Verify that search results are returned.

  2. Use the Search channel by modifying Search channel JSPs, such as dbMenu.jsp, results.jsp, and searchOnly.jsp to add federated databases to the database list and view attributes for federated search results.