Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1 Configuration Guide

ProcedureTo Install Portal Server and Access Manager in a High Availability Scenario with Berkeley Database

These instructions require the following:

  1. On Node 1, install Directory Server, Access Manager, and Application Server.

  2. Verify whether Access Manager is installed properly by accessing amconsole.


  3. Log in to amconsole on Node 1. In the Organization Aliases List, add the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of Node 2.

  4. Click Service Configuration and click Platform in the right panel.

  5. In the Platform Server List, add the following.


  6. On Node 2, run the Java ES installer to install Access Manager.

    On the page that asks whether Directory Server is already provisioned with data, select Yes and proceed with installing Access Manager.

    Note –

    Ensure that the password encryption key on Node 2 is the same as the password encryption key on Node 1. The password encryption key should be the same for the LDAP internal password on both of the nodes.

  7. On Node 2, start Application Server and verify whether Access Manager is installed properly by accessing amconsole.


  8. In a text editor, open the file on Node 1 and Node 2.

    The file is located in the AccessManager_base/SUNWam/config directory.

    1. Edit the property to be false.

    2. Edit with the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the Load Balancer.