Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1 Configuration Guide

ProcedureTo Create WebLogic Managed Servers on Node 2

This procedure creates a managed server on Node 2 on the port 7033 using the administrator console installed on Node 1.

  1. Log in to the administration server.


  2. Click on Servers, and click Configure a New Machine.

  3. Enter a name for the managed server. For example, node2_7033.

  4. Select node_2 from the Machine list box.

  5. Enter the Listen Address as the IP address of Node 2.

  6. Enter the Listen Port as 7022, and click Create.

  7. Click the Control tab and click Start the Server.

  8. (Optional) You can also start the managed server using the command-line interface on Node 2.

    bea_base/user_projects/domains/mydomain/ node2_7033