Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1 Configuration Guide

ProcedureTo Create a New Portal Instance on a New Configuration of Web Server 7.0

Before You Begin

Ensure the following:

  1. Create a new configuration of Web Server 7.0 on the same node where Portal Server is installed. Specify the name of the configuration as secondinstance and the port as 8100.

  2. Start the new configuration. Ensure that the Web Server administrator console is running.

  3. Copy the PortalServer_base/SUNWportal/template/ to a PortalServer_base/SUNWportal/bin/ file.

  4. Edit the following properties in the file.

    • Host=hostname.domain

    • Port=8100

    • Scheme=http

    • WebContainerType=SJSWS7

    • WebContainerInstallDir=/WebServer_base/SUNWwbsvr7

    • WebContainerInstanceName=secondinstance

    • WebContainerDomainName=secondinstance

    • WebContainerDocRoot=/var/SUNWwbsvr7/docs

    • WebContainerAdminHost=hostname.domain

    • WebContainerAdminPort=8989

    • WebContainerAdminScheme=https

    • WebContainerAdminUid=admin

    • WebContainerAdminPassword=Webserver_admin_password

  5. Create the new portal instance.

    PortalServer_base/SUNWportal/bin/psadmin create-instance -u amadmin -f ps_password -p portal1 -w

    The ps_password file contains the Access Manager password

  6. Restart the web container.

  7. Verify that the new portal instance has been created.

    PortalServer_base/SUNWportal/bin/psadmin list-portals -u amadmin -f ps_password

  8. Access the new Portal Server instance.
