Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1 Configuration Guide

ProcedureTo Install Portal Server in the Configure Later Mode on a WebLogic Managed Server Where Access Manager is Installed on a Managed Server

  1. Create a managed server.

  2. Install Access Manager on the managed server.

  3. Install Portal Server in the Configure Later mode using the Java ES installer.

  4. Change the example files based on your requirements.

    For WebLogic, you can use the example15.xml file to configure Portal Server and search server. In the example15.xml file, ensure that the Port is set to the port of the managed server, the web container administrator port is set to 7001, and the web container managed server is set to true.

  5. Configure the common agent container.

    PortalServer_base/bin/psconfig --config example15.xml

    Note –

    For more information on the required sample, see the PortalServer_base/samples/psconfig/README.txt file.

  6. Restart WebLogic server after the successful installation of Portal Server.