Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1 Configuration Guide

Introduction to Java DB

By default, the Sun Java System Portal Server software uses the JavaTM DB to store configuration and membership for the collaboration feature. It is used by the desktop. Java DB is also used by wiki, fileshare and survey portlet applications. The Portal Server software installs and configures the database.

Tip –

For information on switching to enterprise-scale databases, see this article.

The Portal Server software does not manage the Java DB process; it must be manually started and stopped using the Java DB NetworkServerControl class (see To Start and Stop Java DB for more information). The default database user name is portal and the password is a random string generated during installation. On a production system, change the credentials to secure the system.

Database Configuration

The Portal Server software components use Java DB through Java EE JDBC resources. When a new portal instance is created, the Portal Server software creates one JDBC resource for each component that accesses the database. In other words, there is one resource per component, per Portal Server instance.

The resource configuration can be modified using the web container console or command line interface. The database URL for the Java DB community database is of the form jdbc:derby://host[:port]/component_portal-ID. When connecting to Java DB using third-party tools, use the driver org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver. This driver is in the JAR file /opt/SUNWjavadb/lib/derbyclient.jar.