Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1 Developer's Guide

JSPTableContainerProvider Class

This section discusses about the JSPTableContainerProvider in detail:

Introduction to JSPTableContainerProvider

A table container aggregates the content of other channels into rows and columns. It can be thought of as a bucket for the content of other channels. The JSPTableContainerProvider class extends JSPContainerProviderAdapter.

The table container facilitates the aggregation of multiple channels into a single display. That is, the JSPTableContainerProvider aggregates channels into HTML rows and columns.

Using the JSPTableContainerProvider

A JSPTableContainerProvider provides methods that allow the associated JSP files to use these methods, and generate a view that arranges the contained channels to be displayed in a HTML table. By the nature of the container provider, the JSPTableContainer has a list of available channels and a list of selected channels.

Available channels are the channels that are available to be activated in the Desktop, and selected channels are the channels that are displayed in the Desktop. Selected and available channels list is defined in the table container channel definition in the display profile.