Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Planning Guide

Java ES Installation Defined

The installation process described in this manual includes the installation and basic configuration of a Java ES solution. Installation, as used in this manual, means using the Java ES installer to copy the files for Java ES components to computer systems. Configuration, as used in this manual, means using either the installer or a configuration wizard to configure an instance of a Java ES component. After you perform this basic configuration, you can start the instance, verify its basic operation, and verify that it interoperates correctly with other components in your solution.

The basic configuration described in this manual does not cover many areas of component functionality. For example, basic installation and configuration of Portal Server creates an instance that interoperates with other components, such as Access Manager and Directory Server. Basic configuration does not address other aspects of Portal Server functionality, such as adding your content to the basic portal desktop. To configure these aspects of component functionality, you need to refer to component documentation, such as Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1 Configuration Guide.