Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Planning Guide

Component Dependencies

Some Java ES components cannot be installed and configured unless other components are installed and configured first. Dependencies occur for several reasons:

Notice that some of these dependencies are solution-wide and some are local. You consider solution-wide dependencies and local dependencies differently when you develop your installation plan. The difference is described in the following example:

The dependency of Access Manager on Directory Server is a solution-wide dependency. When you install Access Manager, you supply a URL for a directory service provided by one or more instances of Directory Server. Once Directory Server is installed and configured, it provides a directory service that is available to all of the components in the solution. This type of dependency determines the solution-wide sequence for installing and configuring component instances-you must install and configure Directory Server before Access Manager. In your installation plan, solution-wide dependencies determine the overall sequence of installation and configuration steps. You can plan to install Directory Server first and then add components such as Access Manager that depend on the directory service.

The dependency of Access Manager on a web container is a local dependency. To satisfy this dependency, a web container must be installed on the computer that runs Access Manager. This web container, however, does not provide web container services for the entire solution. If your distributed architecture specifies that you install Portal Server on a different computer than Access Manager, you must plan to install a web container on both computers. Each web container supports a different component locally. Therefore, in a distributed solution there is no single location for a web container to provide services for the entire solution, and you must plan to install web containers several times during your overall installation sequence.

To develop an installation plan for your solution, you analyze the deployment architecture that describes the solution and identify dependencies among the components. Your plan must install and configure components in a sequence that satisfies all of the dependencies. In general, you develop the overall installation sequence from the solution-wide dependencies. Then you consider the local dependencies that might exist on each computer.

The component dependencies are listed in Table 3–1. For more information about working with these dependencies, see the descriptions of the individual components in Developing Your Installation Plan.

Table 3–1 Java ES Component Dependencies

Product Component


Nature of Dependency 

Must be Local? 

Access Manager

Directory Server 

To store configuration data; to store and enable lookup of user data 



J2EE web container, one of: 

-Application Server 

-Web Server 

-BEA WebLogic Server 

-IBM WebSphere Application Server 

Access Manager must be deployed to one of these web containers 


Access Manager SDK

Access Manager 

To provide the underlyingAccess Manager services 



J2EE web container, one of: 

-Application Server 

-Web Server 

-BEA WebLogic Server 

-IBM WebSphere Application Server 

Access Manager SDK must be deployed to one of these web containers 


Access Manager Distributed Authentication 

Access Manager 

To provide the underlyingAccess Manager services 


J2EE web container, one of: 

-Application Server 

-Web Server 

-BEA WebLogic Server 

-IBM WebSphere Application Server 

Access Manager SDK must be deployed to one of these web containers 


Access Manager Session Failover 

Access Manager 

To provide the underlyingAccess Manager services 


Message Queue 

To provide reliable asynchronous messaging 


Application Server

Message Queue

To provide reliable asynchronous messaging 



Web Server (optional)

To provide load balancing between Application Server instances 



High Availability Session Store (optional)

To store session state, which supports failover between Application Server instances 


Directory Proxy Server

Directory Server 

To provide underlying LDAP directory services 


Directory Server



High Availability Session Store 



Java DB 



Message Queue 

Directory Server (Optional) 

To store administered objects and persistent messages 



J2EE web container, one of (Optional):

-Application Server 

-Web Server 

To support HTTP transport between clients and Message Broker 



Sun Cluster (Optional) 

To support use of Message Queue in high availability solutions 


Portal Server

J2EE web container, one of:

-Application Server 

-Web Server 

-BEA WebLogic Server 

-IBM WebSphere Application Server 

Portal Server must be deployed to one of these web containers 



Directory Server 

To store user data used for authentication and authorization 



Access Manager or Access Manager SDK 

To provide Access Manager services; a local Access Manager SDK provides access to a remote Access Manager 



Service Registry Client 

To provide libraries needed for compilation 


Portal Server Secure Remote Access

Portal Server 

To provide the underlying portal service. 



Either Access Manager or Access Manager SDK 

To provide Access Manager services; a local Access Manager SDK provides access to a remote Access Manager 


Rewriter Proxy 

Portal Server 

To provide the underlying portal service. 


Netlet Proxy 

Portal Server 

To provide the underlying portal service. 


Service Registry 

Application Server 

To provide the necessary container service. 


Service Registry Client 

To provide the necessary client interface 


Service Registry Client 



Sun Cluster Software 



Sun Cluster Agents

Sun Cluster 

To provide underlying clustered services. 


Sun Cluster Geographic Edition 

Sun Cluster 

To provide underlying clustered services. 


Web Proxy Server

Web Server 

To provide remote access to web applications running on Web Server 


Directory Server (Optional) 

To store user data used for authentication and authorization 


Web Server 

Directory Server (Optional) 

To store user data used for authentication and authorization 
