Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows

Chapter 5 Completing Postinstallation Configuration

This chapter contains instructions for completing initial configuration of the Sun Java Enterprise System (Java ES) components after installation. If a Java ES component is not listed in this chapter, postinstallation configuration is not required for that component. However, that component might still require postinstallation tasks related monitoring data service if you are installing these Java ES components.

This chapter contains the following sections:

How to Use This Chapter

When the Java ES installer finishes installation, most components require additional configuration before the Java ES environment is operational. The extent of this work depends on the configuration type you selected, either Configure Automatically During Installation or Configure Manually After Installation.

If you selected the Configure Manually After Installation option, the installer placed the component package files in their respective directories. No parameters were set, and most components are not operational because runtime services are not available. A number of components include configuration tools for completing a manual configuration after installation. When running the configuration tools, you can make any additional changes by following the instructions located in this guide, and in the documentation for each component.

Before acting on the information in this chapter, you should have completed the installation of the Java ES components. For a list of packages associated with the components, see Appendix B, Default Directories and Ports. A summary report containing the configuration values that were set during installation is available in the JavaES-install-dir\Summarydate.txt file.

After completing installation, review the procedures included in this chapter for the Java ES components that you installed. If no additional configuration is required for your Java ES components, you can start your Java ES components by following the instructions in Chapter 6, Verifying Installed Java ES Components.

Note –

The default installation locations of Java ES components might be different on the various platforms. Therefore, the procedures in this chapter use variables to represent these locations. For example, ApplicationServer-base represents the directory where Application Server is installed, regardless of platform.

Monitoring Console Postinstallation Configuration

If the Java ES components you have installed will use Java ES monitoring, you must configure each component to use the monitoring framework. For configuration instructions, refer to Chapter 2, Enabling and Configuring the Monitoring Framework, in Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Monitoring Guide.

Access Manager Postinstallation Configuration

Whenever you use the Java ES installer to configure Access Manager on Web Server, you will need to perform the following steps.

Note –

For all Access Manager installations, the web container needs to be restarted. If a full installation is being performed on Web Server or Application Server, the installer stops the web container instance, which requires you to start web container manually. For instructions on restarting Access Manager, see Starting and Stopping Access Manager.

Procedure To Configure Access Manager on Web Server

  1. Start the Directory Server.

  2. Start the web container.

Configuring Access Manager After a Configure Automatically During Installation

After a Configure Automatically During Installation, you can start Access Manager and log in to the Access Manager console. However, you cannot perform basic user management operations until you complete some final configuration steps. These steps differ depending on whether Access Manager is using a Directory Server instance that is already provisioned with user data. There are additional configuration tasks that you might want to perform for your deployment.

For instructions on performing these tasks, refer to the Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Postinstallation Guide.

Configuring Access Manager After a Configure Manually After Installation Operation

After a Configure manually after installation operation, the packages are installed and you are ready to configure Access Manager by using the Access Manager configuration batch file, AccessManager-base\setup\amconfig.bat. For more information about using this program, see Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Postinstallation Guide.

For instructions on configuring Access Manager for a third-party web container (BEA WebLogic or IBM WebSphere Application Server), see Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Postinstallation Guide.

Application Server Postinstallation Configuration

After a Configure automatically during installation operation, Application Server requires no postinstallation configuration but you need to configure Application Server load balancing plug-in after Configure automatically during installation and Configure manually after installation operations.

ProcedureTo Configure Application Server After a Configure Manually After Installation Operation

  1. Locate the accessory DVD for Application Server.

    Accessory contents can also be downloaded from the Sun Download Center at

  2. Refer to the README file in the Addon folder on the DVD and follow the procedures detailed there.

  3. Modify the ApplicationServer-base\samples\ file.

    Modify the following properties in the file. If you do not know the paths for some properties, you can copy them from the ApplicationServer-base \config\asenv.conf file.

    • com.sun.aas.derbyRoot=JavaDB-base

    • com.sun.aas.webServicesLib=ApplicationServer-base/lib

    • com.sun.aas.imqHome=ApplicationServer-base/domains/domain1/imq

    • com.sun.aas.imqBinDir=MessageQueue-base/bin

    • com.sun.aas.imqUserMgr=MessageQueue-base/bin/imqusermgr

    • com.sun.aas.imqLib=MessageQueue-base/lib

    • com.sun.aas.installRoot=ApplicationServer-base

    • com.sun.aas.javaRoot=J2SE-base


    • #admin.password=

      The admin password is not saved as the default. You can type the password and save it manually.


    • appserver.instance=server

      By default the value of appserver.instance is AppServer1. Replace AppServer1 with server. For more information, see bug id 6485254.

    • appserver.instance.port=8080

    • admin.user=admin

    • admin.port=4849

    • derby.port=1527


    • server.cert.alias=s1as

    • keystore=${}/${}/config/keystore.jks

    • keystore.password=changeit

    • trustStore=${}/${}/config/cacerts.jks

    Note –

    To configure Application Server for load balancing, refer to the “Configuring Web Servers for HTTP Load Balancing” section in the Chapter 5, Configuring HTTP Load Balancing, in Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.2 High Availability Administration Guide.

ProcedureTo Configure Application Server Load Balancing Plug-in

  1. Set value of IS_LB to true and Cfgr_LB to false in the registry.

    Windows 2000

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > Sun Microsystems > EntSys5 > Installer > Application Server

    Windows 2003 x64 edition

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > Wow6432node > Sun Microsystems > EntSys5 > Installer > Application Server

  2. Edit the ApplicationServer-base\setup\ file.

    Set the value for AS_WSINSTANCEDIR and AS_WSINSTANCENAME properties. For example, type:


  3. Run the ApplicationServer-base\setup\ASConfigure.bat command.

Directory Proxy Server Postinstallation Configuration Operation

After a Configure automatically during installation operation, no additional configuration is necessary.

After a Configure manually after installation operation, the packages are installed and you are ready to configure Directory Proxy Server. Instructions for Directory Proxy Server Instance Creation can be found in the Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Installation Guide.

ProcedureTo Configure a Directory Proxy Server After a Configure Manually After Installation Operation

  1. Change to the DirectoryProxyServer-base\dps6\bin directory.

    cd DirectoryProxyServer-base\dps6\bin

  2. Create a Directory Proxy Server instance.

    dpadm.exe create -p port-no -P ssl-port-no instance-path

  3. Start the instance.

    dpadm.exe start instance-path

Directory Server Postinstallation Configuration

After a Configure manually after installation operation, the packages are installed and you are ready to perform the configuration tasks for Directory Server.

ProcedureTo Configure Directory Server After a Configure Manually After Installation Operation

  1. Change to the DirectoryServer-base\ds6\bin directory.

    cd DirectoryServer-base\ds6\bin

  2. Create a Directory Server instance.

    dsadm.exe create -p port-no -P ssl-port-no instance-path

  3. Start the instance.

    dsadm.exe start instance-path

  4. Create a root suffix with corresponding domain components.

    dsconf.exe create-suffix --unsecured -p port-no root-suffix

Procedure To Configure Directory Service Control Center (DSCC) After a Configure Manually After Installation Operation

  1. Change to the DirectoryServer-base\ds6\bin directory.

    cd DirectoryServer-base\ds6\bin

  2. Run dsccsetup.exe.

HADB Postinstallation Configuration

HADB does not require any additional postinstallation configuration.

Message Queue Postinstallation Configuration

After a Configure automatically during installation operation, no additional configuration is required. You can start the Message Queue using Windows services, see To Start the Message Queue Using Windows Services.

After a configure manually after installation operation, the packages are installed and you are ready to perform the configuration tasks for Message Queue. For more information about postinstallation configuration instructions, see the Sun Java System Message Queue 3.7 UR1 Administration Guide

Service Registry Postinstallation Configuration

Service Registry cannot be configured automatically during installation. After a Configure manually after installation operation, the packages are installed and you are ready to perform the configuration tasks for Service Registry by using the following procedure.

ProcedureTo Configure the Service Registry After a Configure Manually After Installation Using Default Properties

The configuration process creates an Application Server domain at ServiceRegistry-base\data. The default domain name is registry. The configuration process then starts the domain, deploys Service Registry, and leaves the domain running. The default configuration directory is ServiceRegisry-base.

  1. Log in as administrator.

  2. Change to the ServiceRegistry-base\install directory.

  3. Verify that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set.

  4. Run the SRConfig.bat command.

    Note –

    To perform configuration by using custom property settings, see the Service Registry 3.1 Administration Guide.

Web Proxy Server Postinstallation Configuration

After a Configure automatically during installation operation, no additional configuration is needed. After a Configure manually after installation operation, the packages are installed and you are ready to configure Web Proxy Server by using the following procedure.

ProcedureTo Configure Web Proxy Server After a Configure Manually After Installation Operation

  1. Change to the Web Proxy Server-base \bin\proxy\install\miscdirectory.

  2. Update the property file with your settings.

    For example, the file might contain the following:

  3. Go to the location WebProxyServer-base.

  4. Run the WPSConfigure.bat command.

Web Server Postinstallation Configuration

After a Configure automatically during installation operation, no additional configuration is required for Web Server configuration.

ProcedureTo Configure Web Server After a Configure Manually After Installation Operation

After a Configure manually after installation operation, the packages are installed and you are ready to configure Web Server by using the following procedure.

  1. Create a runtime configuration for Web Server by running the Web Server configurator.

    For more information, see the Configure Later Mode (Java ES Only) in Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Installation and Migration Guide.

  2. Verify the common server settings and update settings as needed.

Configuring the Java Virtual Machine Software

After you have finished the required postinstallation configuration for your Java ES components, some Java ES components might require that you tune the Java Virtual Machine (JVMTM) software. The JVM software consists of several entities, the most significant being the compiler, which turns Java byte code into machine instructions. In the version of the Java development kit (JDKTM) software that is included with this Java ES release, several choices can be made for the JVM software. The best starting option is the –server option. The –server option is a good tuning option for a JVM running in server mode. You can obtain the list of options by using the java –? command.

Another significant tuning option that might need to be configured is the Java heap memory. For example:

A good starting point for a heavily used system would be to set the maximum heap size to 1.2 Gbytes.

Next Steps

After you have completed the configuration tasks in this chapter, verify postinstallation configuration by starting the Java ES components as described in Chapter 6, Verifying Installed Java ES Components.