Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows

Starting and Stopping Web Proxy Server

ProcedureTo Start the Proxy Administration Server Service From the Command Prompt

  1. Change to the WebProxyServer-base\admin-service-id\ directory.

  2. Type startsvr.bat.

    The default admin-service ID is proxy-admserv.

ProcedureTo Stop the Proxy Admin Server Service From the Command Prompt

  1. Change to the WebProxyServer-base\admin-service-id\ directory.

  2. Type stopsvr.bat.

    The default admin-service ID is proxy-admserv.

ProcedureTo Start the Proxy Server Service From the Command Prompt

  1. Change to the WebProxyServer-base\proxy-service-id\ directory.

  2. Type startsvr.bat.

    The default proxy-service ID is proxy-server1.

ProcedureTo Stop the Proxy Server Service From the Command Prompt

  1. Change to the WebProxyServer-base\proxy-service-id\ directory.

  2. Type stopsvr.bat.

    The default proxy-service ID is proxy-server1.

ProcedureTo Start the Socks Server Service From the Command Prompt

  1. Change to the JavaES-install-dir\proxy-service-id\ directory.

  2. Type startsockd.bat.

    The default proxy-service ID is proxy-server1.

ProcedureTo Stop the Socks Server Service From the Command Prompt

  1. Change to the JavaES-install-dir\proxy-service-id\ directory.

  2. Type stopsockd.bat.

    The default proxy-service ID is proxy-server1.

ProcedureTo Start the Proxy Admin Server Service From the Start Menu

  1. Choose Start>Programs>Sun Java Enterprise System 5>Web Proxy Server 4.0.4>Start Admin Server.

ProcedureTo Start Proxy Server Service From the Start Menu

  1. Choose Start>Programs> Sun Java Enterprise System 5>Web Proxy Server 4.0.4>Start Proxy Server.

ProcedureTo Stop Proxy Server Service From the Start Menu

  1. Choose Start> Programs >Sun Java Enterprise System 5 >Web Proxy Server 4.0.4>Stop Proxy Server.