Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows

ProcedureTo Run the Installer in Silent Mode

  1. At the command prompt, navigate to the directory where the installer is located.

    cd JavaES-install-dir

  2. Use the Setup.bat /s command to initiate a silent mode installation process.

    Note –

    By default the Setup.iss file is created in Windows System folder. You need to copy this file from the Windows System to the folder where the Setup.bat exists before starting silent installation as Setup.bat /s. Otherwise, the command returns -3 error in setup.

    Use the /f1 option to specify the .iss file location. To avoid unpredictable results, specify an absolute path. For example, type:

    Setup.bat /s /f1"C:\Temp\example.iss".

  3. (Optional) Use the Setup.bat /s with /f2 option to specify an alternative location and file name for the log file. To avoid unpredictable results, specify an absolute path for the file. For example, type:

    Setup.bat /s /f1"C:\Temp\UninstallExample.iss /f2"C:\Setup.log".

    Silent installation can be lengthy, depending on the number and type of components that you are installing. While the installer is running, you can monitor its progress by examining changes to the installation log.