Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows

ProcedureTo Examine Installation Log Files

  1. Review the installation summary file, which provides a high-level description of what was installed and configured. This file is located at JavaEs-install-dir\Summary.txt. If a problem occurred, check which component caused the problem. If multiple problems occurred, isolate the first one.

  2. Review the detailed log files.

    1. Look for the first error or warning that occurred and attempt to resolve the error. Sometimes resolving one error resolves a number of seemingly unrelated errors that follow.

    2. Find the name of the component that caused the problem.

    3. Review the configuration logs. The configuration logs are in component installation directories. Refer to Summary.txt to find the exact location of component log files.

    4. Review the installer log file for installation or uninstallation issues. Refer to configuration logs for configuration-related issues.